

Aligned SDGs Targets

Air Quality Monitoring

With the convergence of climate change awareness and urban governance in recent years, cities have come to be regarded as important nodes in concerted efforts to respond to the climate change crisis. In the campus-scale air issues, NTU regards “Indoor Air Quality", “Outdoor Air Quality" and “Thermal Comfort" as the focus.



Indoor Air Quality

Due to the different nature of teaching and research, indoors can pay attention to the change of carbon dioxide concentration in the classroom, the concentration of chalk ash, and the operating specifications of the laboratory.


Outdoor Air Quality

Outdoors, we can pay attention to the direct emissions caused by on-campus transportation and the impact of off-campus traffic conditions on the air quality in the school.


Thermal Comfort

Including sunlight, ventilation, humidity, etc.



This project is expected to be included under the development of the smart campus concept, whereby NTU will be regarded as a living lab. Customized sensors will be developed and deployed in the creation of an innovative microclimate sensing network based on downscaled climate data collection and analysis.


