

Aligned SDGs Targets

Waste Production

NTU has implemented a waste reduction mechanism and recycling system for years. Waste is sorted into general waste, recyclable waste, and kitchen waste. The total waste production in 2023 was 34.57 tons less than the previous year, a reduction of 2.21%.

Note 1: Due to pandemic control in 2021, the number of people visiting the campus decreased significantly. Most class activities as well as meetings and conferences were either moved online or canceled. The total amount of waste produced and recycled has dropped consequently.
Note 2: Taipei City no longer has public landfill sites, so NTU’s waste has primarily been incinerated in recent years. However, large fallen branches on campus require shredding before being incinerated at the Beitou Refuse Incineration Plant. In cases where the plant’s shredder malfunctions, the branches are sent to the Shanshuilu Eco Park (formerly the Shanzhukeng Landfill) for processing. Consequently, NTU occasionally generates data reflecting a small amount of landfilled waste.


Campus Waste Management Policy

In 2019, NTU formulated a Sustainable Campus Action Plan, with waste reduction and reuse as one of its objectives. Meanwhile, NTU has established the "NTU General Waste Management Regulations," which clearly define the handling procedures for general waste and recyclables. We also implemented the "User-Pay Policy for Dedicated Garbage Bags" since 2010. This policy is based on the principles of fairness and justice, aiming to promote waste reduction and establish a resource-sustainable campus through user payments. To facilitate the implementation of the waste paper tableware recycling policy, food waste recycling has been included as part of the recycling program. This initiative reduces waste generation, promotes material recycling, and has been highly effective in waste reduction since its implementation.

Moreover, to manage waste from laboratories, NTU’s "Regulations for Storage and Disposal of Waste from Laboratories" provides specific standards for classification and regulations for storage and disposal. The "chemical resource sharing platform" is also in place as a way of reducing the burden of storage and disposal of chemicals in order to properly manage hazardous industrial waste.


Sustainable Procurement


In compliance with the “Government Agency Green Procurement Plan” and relevant assessment guidelines, NTU has put in place a sustainable procurement policy and will continue encouraging departments and offices to prioritize the use of “recyclable, low pollution, and resource-efficient” products. They are also encouraged to purchase eco-friendly products certified with green labels. The Office of General Affairs provides “Green Procurement” section on its website, where relevant regulations and information are listed for NTU’s faculty and staff when trying to implement sustainable procurement. In the last three years, NTU’s sustainable procurement ratio surpassed the target ratio set by the government.


Sustainable procurement ratio

Year 2021 2022 2023
Target green procurement ratio approved by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan 95% 95% 95%
Ratio of total green procurement items 100% 100% 100%
Ratio of green procurement of category 1 designated eco-friendly products 100% 100% 100%
Ratio of green procurement of “category 1 designated eco-friendly IT products 66.2% 71.1% 64.1%

Note 1: Statistics of procurements made by all campuses in the name of “NTU” .
Note 2: Ratio of total green procurement items = (Procurement amount of designated eco-friendly products + procurement amount of green products) / (Total procurement amount of designated items +procurement amount of green products).
Note 3: Ratio of green procurement of “category 1 designated eco-friendly product = Procurement amount of designated products with green labels / Total procurement amount of designated items.
Note 4:Ratio of green procurement of “category 1 designated eco-friendly IT products = Procurement amount of designated IT products with Green Mark / Total procurement amount of designated items.


