

Aligned SDGs Targets

Dining Service Committee

In line with the government’s policies of food safety, reducing food waste, and promoting eco-friendly tableware, NTU established the NTU Dining Service Committee to manage restaurants and convenience stores on campus, so that faculty, staff, and students can enjoy delicious food options safely. The expertise and farm resources of NTU’s College of Bioresources and Agriculture are used to support sustainable agriculture and food culture based on eco-friendliness and agricultural education.

Sustainable Food Criteria

To promote UN's SDGs and provide a diverse range of healthy food options for faculty, staff, and students, NTU encourages its affiliated food service providers to use ingredients certified under various sustainable food criteria, including "Sustainably Farming/Harvested," "Low Additives," "Low-Carbon & Vegetarian," "Local Production," and "Resource Circulation." These criteria encompass CAS-certified agricultural products, organic certification, animal welfare certifications, halal certification, and traceable agricultural products. Additionally, the "use of certified ingredients" has been incorporated as one of the criteria for selecting contracted vendors, and relevant information will be made available on NTU's website.



Sustainable dining related activities and plans

1. Food Safety

  • MOE campus food ingredients registration platform.
  • Regular food inspection.
  • On-site inspections of food safety and sanitation.
  • Food safety and sanitation education and training.

2. “Low-carbon Food” Education & Training


“Low-carbon food” courses are designed to educate food service providers about cherishing food, reducing food waste, using local ingredients, and shortening the distance between farm and table. The idea is for them to jointly “cherish 100% of food to achieve zero food waste.”


3.Sustainable ingredients

Create a sustainable ingredients webpage and encourage campus restaurants to use ingredients with eco-friendly, animal welfare, and organic certifications. Incorporating “Use of Certified Ingredients” as a criterion for evaluating and selecting contract vendors, highlighting the importance of ingredient traceability and sourcing.


4. Eco-friendly Tableware for Freshmen


The office of Student Affairs provides a set of ecofriendly tableware during the NTU Orientation Camp and registration of graduate students, encouraging them to bring their own eco-friendly tableware for energy conservation and carbon reduction.


5.Carbon-Neutral + Healthy Diet project

Prof. Wen-Ling Adela Chen from the College of Public Health implemented the “Carbon-Neutral + Healthy Diet” project, in which the carbon footprint of meals served in student restaurants was calculated and classified as low, medium, or high carbon emissions. This information is displayed in restaurants for diners to consider.


6. Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture, Livestock, and Aquatic Products


NTU Farm actively assists teachers and students with teaching, internships, trials, and research projects. Besides demonstrating sustainable development, NTU Farm highlights the environmental features of a farm, and provides plenty of green space for environmental, ecological, and agricultural education.


7. Muslim Friendly Restaurant

