Carbon Neutral

Carbon Neutral

Aligned SDGs Targets

100% Carbon Neutrality by 2048

NTU announced its carbon reduction goal:
50% carbon neutrality by 2028 and 100% carbon neutrality by 2048.


Note 1: 2020 is set as the baseline year.




2020 GHG Inventory

NTU has been conducting a GHG inventory on campus since 2010 for more than 20 years now. As the international GHG inventory standards (ISO 14064-1) were revised in 2018, NTU commissioned an ISO consulting firm to verify the 2020 GHG inventory from April to November 2021 to ensure the accuracy, comprehensiveness, and credibility of the inventory. The results were certified after an external audit by BSI (British Standards Institution).


Yearly GHG

NTU internal GHG inventory had been conducted annually since 2010 and the focus is on Category 1 (direct emission) and Category 2 (energy indirect emission). NTU will adjust our carbon neutrality roadmap accordingly and also manage main emission sources.

Note 1: Statistics of NTU’s Main Campus, Shuiyuan Campus, College of Public Health, College of Medicine (excl. NTUH), College of Social Sciences’ old building, and Zhubei Campus.
Note 2: Covering a total floor area of 1,284,750 m2 in 2020, 1,322,863 m2 in 2021, and 1,369,230 m2 in 2022.
Note 3: Category 1 (direct emission) and Category 2 (energy indirect emission)。


Carbon Neutral Strategies


In 2022, with insights from the 2020 GHG emissions inventory and the NTU Social Responsibility and Sustainability Governance Action Plan, the NTU Office of Sustainability formulated carbon-neutrality strategies suitable for NTU’s development, specified feasible measures for implementation, and estimated the potential carbon reduction. The five major strategies for achieving carbon-neutrality are Equipment Electrification (reducing Category 1 carbon emissions), Energy Decarbonization, Energy Conservation (reducing Category 2 carbon emissions), Negative Emissions Technologies (NETs) and Carbon Offset。



NTU’s Pathway to Carbon-Neutrality


To make NTU carbon-neutral, pathways have been developed for various scenarios and several working groups have been formed. Looking ahead, we will continue to communicate and coordinate with different parties involved to consolidate our efforts. According to the achievements made each year and in light of the latest scientific and technological findings, the pathways and strategies will be revised for the ultimate objective of becoming a 50% carbon-neutral campus by 2028 and a 100% carbon-neutral campus by 2048.


