

NTU aims to build a stronger connection between sustainability and extra curriculum activities, encouraging students to contribute to campus sustainable governance from a bottom-up approach. The Office of Sustainability establish communication channel to engage with all stakeholders in campus to enhance capacity on sustainable affairs.


Student clubs

NTU boasts over 400 active student clubs, including service-oriented groups, fitness clubs, and academic and artistic societies. These clubs showcase NTU students’ diverse creativity and talents through events such as the Azalea Festival, club exhibitions, and university ceremonies. In 2023, NTU student clubs formed 54 social service teams with approximately 1,462 students, delivering services to around 3,475 individuals. Additionally, 9,724 students participated in service-learning courses, demonstrating their commitment to social responsibility. Since 2016, NTU has promoted the Green Campus Project, providing annual subsidies to student clubs for organizing environmental activities. Various student organizations, including the Student Association, Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots, the College of Medicine Student Social Service Group, the Ci You Yi Guang Group, and NTU Country Youth Life Study Club, actively engage in sustainability initiatives, amplifying the social impact of young people.



From 2020 to 2023, the Green Campus Project has funded

51clubs activities


Disinvested from high-pollution and high-emission industries

With the joint efforts of NTU Student Association’s Department of Sustainability, Climate Action Club, and Office of Financial Affairs, NTU Endowment Fund disinvested from high-pollution and high-emission industries, making NTU the very first university in Asia to have done so. NTU will continue to promote sustainable investment by investing in companies and funds with excellent sustainability performance.


NTU Sustainable Campus & ESG Student Creative Competition


Social Care and Services


Sustainability Promotion



Club/Activity 1



Club/Activity 2


