Governance and Education

Governance and Education

NTU has the most comprehensive teaching and research capabilities and the highest international visibility among universities in Taiwan. It is only natural that NTU upholds “sustainable development” as its core value. Expertise of the teachers and students is combined with an interdisciplinary and systematic perspective to create a sustainable campus. NTU also regularly publishes USR reports to make a difference for sustainability of the local and international communities.


Governance Structure

Diversified Recruitment & Student Counseling


In order to help the disadvantaged students and create “more hopes,” NTU has launched “Hope Admission Program” for financially and culturally disadvantaged students. Besides multiple admission programs, NTU also provides “Dream Field Comprehensive Support Program,” “Hope Stipends,” “Hope Scholarship,” and allowances among other financial support programs that help relieve the financial burden on underprivileged students and create a more level playing field for all.


Dream Field Comprehensive Support Program


This Program conforms to
Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)


Faculty and Staff Holistic Care Servic


In 2021, NTU launched “NTU Faculty and Staff Holistic Care Service” initiating cross-unit collaboration to promote the holistic well-being of its employees and create a happy campus. In 2023, a total of 994 faculty and staff members received health checkups through the Good Liver Foundation’s health screening program and the low-dose computed tomography (CT) lung screening program jointly provided by NTU Hospital Cancer Center and Taipei City Hospital. After the checkups, six consultation sessions were provided, offering one-on-one guidance on diet, exercise, and health from professionals. For mental health, diverse counseling channels are available (including in-person, telephone, and online), with psychologists providing mental health consultation services. Each individual is entitled to six free counseling sessions, and a total of 706 individuals received these services.

NTU Faculty and Staff Holistic Care Service


Future NTU Initiatives

The 21st century presents unprecedented challenges to higher education, driven by rapid technological advancements and global transformations. In September 2023, NTU held the inauguration ceremony for the Office of Future NTU, signifying the launch of a learner-centered open university. This initiative fosters an exploratory learning environment through institutional and environmental building, aiming to cultivate international leaders equipped for future challenges. NTU actively promotes diverse and flexible learning approaches, including Specialization Programs, the University-level Interdisciplinary Bachelor’s Program, and Exploration Credits. These initiatives enrich study subjects, aligning it with students’ needs and interests, and encourage transdisciplinary learning beyond existing frameworks to unlock individual potential.

Pioneering the Future。


Our Academic & Research Influence

In recent years, with the rise of issues such as climate change, environmental protection, and social responsibility, we have leveraged our extensive teaching resources in a wide range of disciplines to create opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning around emerging sustainability challenges. NTU will continue to integrate cross-disciplinary resources and train students with thinking and abilities in sustainability to address global challenges.


