NTU, in compliance with Taipei City's sewerage system policy, completed its sewage pipe connection work in 2014. To achieve this, our discharged wastewater must meet the standards set by the Taipei City government (for more information, please see "National Taiwan University Regulations for the Management of Effluent Discharged by Buildings and Laboratories"). Furthermore, NTU is one of the few large research universities in Taiwan to have completed the sewage connection on its campus.
NTU requires that new buildings be designed to separately treat domestic wastewater and laboratory waste. To ensure that the water quality of NTU's discharged wastewater complies with the inclusion standards set by the Taipei City Government, we not only install pH adjustment system at the end of wastewater lines but also conduct wastewater monitoring for 18 buildings in the main campus engaged in chemical experiments. This monitoring involves measuring pH values and conductivity. It serves a dual purpose: not only does it allow us to assess whether the wastewater discharged from these buildings conforms to Taipei City's sewage pipeline water quality standards, but it also provides real-time monitoring of the wastewater discharge conditions. Additionally, by commissioning testing agencies to conduct sampling and analysis at each monitoring point at least once a year, we ensure that the discharged wastewater meets the relevant standards.
NTU commissions testing agencies to conduct analyses to assess the levels of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) at each monitoring point. In 2023, the COD values at all monitoring stations ranged from 2.3 to 443 mg/L (the pipeline standard is 1,200 mg/L), and the BOD values were between 0.9 and 317 mg/L (the pipeline standard is 600 mg/L). All values are in compliance with the pipeline standards.
The NTU livestock farm currently houses 61 dairy cows, 150 pigs, and 18 goats. To ensure that wastewater generated by the farm does not contaminate groundwater, NTU has constructed a full-scale automatic wastewater treatment facility, and all operations are controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC) for treating the wastewater from the livestock farm. The wastewater is sequentially treated through solid/liquid separation, anaerobic digestion, and activated sludge treatment to meet the EPA's effluent limits. The treated effluent (30 m3/day) is also allowed to enter the sewage system for further treatment to prevent polluted water from entering the water system. Additionally, approximately 1 to 5% (0.3 to 1.5 m3/day) of the daily effluent is used for irrigating the trees at the NTU livestock farm.