NTU Library is open to the public
National Taiwan University Library boasts an extensive collection and, in return for community support, opens its doors to the public free of charge. Under our library regulations, anyone with a valid ID can enter and access our resources. Each year, we welcome over 20,000 visitors. To better serve our diverse user base, we offer multilingual library guides and conduct regular free tours. In 2023 alone, 156 individuals participated in our tours, gaining a deeper understanding of our vast collection and comprehensive services.
NTU Library General Regulations
[Article Two]
Readers should enter the Library during the opening hours, and with the following types of valid IDs:
Identification cards, student ID cards, retiree ID cards, and alumni cards issued by NTU.
Library cards, alumni library cards, or interlibrary loan cards issued by NTU Library.
Visitors (ROC citizens):National Identification Cards, driver's licenses, and National Health Insurance Cards issued by the Republic of China, or other valid photo IDs. Upon entering, these IDs will be exchanged for NTU Library temporary library cards.
Visitors (non-ROC citizens):Passports or other valid photo IDs. Upon entering, these IDs will be exchanged for NTU Library temporary library cards.
Number of admissions (2021-2023) statistics table

Amount of collections by material type (2021-2023)

NTU LIBRARY Guides for Foreign Students 2024