Participation in Government Research



Participation in Government Research


Many faculty members at NTU undertake policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments. Examples are provided below.

Coordination and Impact Assessment Project for the Higher Education SPROUT

The Higher Education SPROUT Project” is a 5-year comprehensive subsidy program for higher education in Taiwan, encompassing both public and private universities nationwide. The Ministry of Education (MOE) conducts budget reviews and approvals based on factors such as university performance, academic capacity, and student enrollment. Its primary objectives are to enhance the quality of student learning and assist universities in developing their unique features. In order to allocate funding as well as resources more appropriately and assess whether the subsidized universities align with the core objectives of student learning, MOE has entrusted NTU to carry out the "Coordination and Impact Assessment Project for the Higher Education SPROUT." This project is evidence-based and involves the analysis of institutional data to guide universities in enhancing accountability and to assist MOE in understanding the effectiveness of the "Higher Education SPROUT Project" as a basis for future policy planning. 


Learning Portfolio Deliberative Project

Starting from 2022, Taiwan's university admission review process has undergone a significant transformation by incorporating students' learning portfolios from their high school years. To gain insights into the practical implementation in high schools and to foster consensus between high schools and universities on how learning portfolios should be presented and evaluated, MOE has entrusted NTU with the project titled "The Deliberative Forum of the Learning Portfolio." Since 2020, this project has been organizing over 50 Deliberative Forums annually, gathering feedback and opinions from university professors, high school teachers, parents, and students. This serves as the foundation for the enhancement and reform of Taiwan’s higher education admission system.

These policy-focused research activities contribute to ensuring the continuous improvement of various policies in Taiwan, meeting the needs of the entire citizens and government departments. They also aid in ensuring that our government policy formulation and implementation are more effective and sustainable.

