NTU actively prevents marine engineering from damaging the ecosystem
National Taiwan University has been actively engaged in marine conservation efforts to mitigate the impacts of marine industries on aquatic ecosystems. By establishing the Ocean Center and the Ship and Ocean Technology Research Center, and collaborating with Delta Electronics on marine waste recycling technology as well as with wind power companies on stranded cetacean rescue, NTU has demonstrated a strong commitment to marine engineering and ecological conservation.
Furthermore, to minimize the impact of offshore wind farms on the seabed environment, NTU has assisted the government in conducting marine geological surveys and establishing a comprehensive seabed topographic database. Additionally, by utilizing satellite remote sensing and unmanned aerial vehicles for monitoring, NTU closely tracks marine pollution incidents to prevent further damage to marine ecosystems caused by marine engineering and shipping.
The Ocean Center, NTU
The Ocean Center of NTU is committed to comprehensive marine research. We have been at the forefront of investigating the surrounding marine environment, establishing a fundamental marine database, and applying marine engineering technology to preserve our marine resources. Furthermore, we are dedicated to nurturing the next generation of marine scientists.
The Ship and Ocean Technology Research Center, NTU
With the establishment of the Ship and Ocean Technology Research Center, NTU is making significant contributions to the marine industry. The center's research on shipbuilding, marine energy, and offshore wind farm installation is aimed at developing innovative solutions that balance economic growth with environmental protection.
NTU and Delta Electronics Joints Forces on Developing Environmentally Friendly and Sustainable Product Technologies
NTU’s College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) and Delta Electronics, Inc. entered into a partnership to establish the Delta-NTU Joint Research & Development Center in 2021. the Center is dedicated to research on this type of plastics, establishing a dedicated management mechanism for green plastics in order to improve the strength and reliability of ocean-bound plastic (OBP).
NTU and Formosa Wind Power join hands to improve the rescue efforts for stranded whales and dolphins
In collaboration with Formosa Wind Power, NTU has launched a stranded cetacean conservation project to mitigate the environmental impacts of offshore wind farms. By forming a specialized team consisting of NTU veterinarians and engineering experts from Formosa Wind Power, we aim to develop more effective conservation measures and emergency response plans.
Implementation of geological surveys in offshore wind farm areas and construction of a geological environment information database
NTU has played a vital role in Taiwan's offshore wind power development by conducting extensive marine geological surveys. The resulting database provides essential information for identifying suitable locations for wind farms while minimizing impacts on marine ecosystems.
Project on Monitoring Marine Pollution Incidents Using Satellite and Remote Sensing Technology
NTU has been at the forefront of utilizing satellite remote sensing and UAV technology to monitor marine pollution in Taiwan. By generating ship activity heatmaps and oil spill distribution heatmaps, NTU provides valuable data that enables authorities to make informed decisions regarding marine pollution prevention and response efforts.