NTU monitors the health of aquatic ecosystems.



NTU monitors the health of aquatic ecosystems.


NTU monitors the health of aquatic ecosystems

National Taiwan University is dedicated to environmental protection and sustainable development. We conduct comprehensive water quality monitoring of our campus lakes and ecological ponds to ensure their health. Our research vessel, the "R/V New Ocean Researcher 1 ," plays a vital role in marine research, contributing to our understanding of marine geology, biodiversity, and pollution. By utilizing advanced technologies such as sonar and satellite remote sensing, we support government efforts in marine conservation and pollution control.

In addition to aquatic ecosystems, we are actively involved in groundwater research. Through long-term monitoring and analysis, we aim to better understand and protect our groundwater resources. We also collaborate with other institutions to develop comprehensive water resource management plans for northern and southern Taiwan, addressing the challenges posed by water scarcity.


Campus Lake/Ecological Pool Maintenance and Management

Regular water quality monitoring and improvement are conducted on our campus lakes using biological environmental water quality management methods. To enhance water quality, we increase the dissolved oxygen levels and water circulation by installing additional equipment. Every two months, aquatic plants are trimmed to maintain a beautiful landscape and promote biodiversity. As a result, various water birds such as the red-crested crake can often be seen in the lakes.
In 2023, the turbidity, residual chlorine, and pH levels at the nearest water quality monitoring station were measured at approximately 0.04 NTU, 0.55 mg/L, and pH 7.4, respectively, all well within regulatory limits.



R/V New Ocean Researcher 1

NTU's R/V New Ocean Researcher 1 plays a crucial role in marine science research, education, and national development. Its primary missions include conducting shipboard and buoy-based observations, investigating mesopelagic and benthic ecosystems, tracing marine biogeochemical cycles and carbon sequestration, and studying submarine geology. The research conducted on this vessel directly contributes to our understanding of the oceans and supports national efforts in marine resource management and environmental protection.



Marine Surveying and Seabed Sediment Investigation Project

NTU employs advanced sonar technology to assist the government in mapping seabed topography and geology. By analyzing the collected data, NTU can help minimize environmental impact during future marine engineering projects and research assessments.



Hydrographic surveying and seabed sediment analysis

By conducting seabed topography mapping, seabed sediment sampling, and water quality testing on Taiping Island, NTU’s Institute of Oceanography contributes to both academic research and practical applications, providing valuable data for government policy and engineering projects.

Project on Monitoring Marine Pollution Incidents Using Satellite and Remote Sensing Technology

NTU has been at the forefront of utilizing satellite remote sensing and UAV technology to monitor marine pollution in Taiwan. By generating ship activity heatmaps and oil spill distribution heatmaps, NTU provides valuable data that enables authorities to make informed decisions regarding marine pollution prevention and response efforts.


Assessing Regional Hydrogeological Factors Through Time Series Analysis of Groundwater Data

Through AI-powered hydrogeological modeling, we assist the government in analyzing groundwater level data and assessing the impacts of factors such as pumping and recharge. Our models provide estimates of groundwater pumping and recharge volumes, aiding in the sustainable management of groundwater resources.


Southern Region Sustainable Water Resources Management Plan

Assisting southern Taiwan in integrating water resource networks and industries, including surface water, groundwater, and reclaimed water. Through cross-disciplinary water resource analysis techniques and monitoring, we aim to optimize water resource allocation strategies and mitigate Taiwan's water scarcity risk.

LTSER Feitsui Station: Core Observation Station for Forest-Tea Garden Socio-Ecosystems

NTU, in partnership with government agencies, has set up ecological monitoring stations in local watershed conservation areas. The collected data on water quantity, quality, and nutrient cycling will be shared with the community to support the development of effective watershed management strategies.

