Low-Carbon Energy Use



Low-Carbon Energy Use


Since NTU had already pledged to reach Carbon Neutrality in 2048, NTU has been tracking its low-carbon usage. Our Total Energy Used is 521,428 GJ including 519,650 GJ from purchased electricity and 1,778 GJ from self-generated PV

All the electricity purchase is from Taiwan Power Company. The energy source distribution of electricity generated by Taiwan Power Company in 2023 is shown below. 
(Source: NTU Risk Society and Policy Research Center)

Solar 4.58% + Wind 2.20% + hydropower 1.40% + solid waste 1.20% + biomass 0.08% + geothermal 0.01% +nuclear 6.31% + Pumped-storage hydroelectricity 1.08% = 16.9%

This means that the electricity NTU purchased includes 16.86% of low-carbon energy. Equivalent to 87,820 GJ of low-carbon energy purchased. 

Adding self-generated solar power, in total NTU consumed 89,599 GJ of Low-Carbon energy, Which is 17% of Total Energy Used.


