NTU's Environmental Education



NTU's Environmental Education


Various Courses on Climate Science & Sustainability

Each semester, NTU offers dozens of climate science and sustainability courses that are directly linked to officially recognized credits, such as "Introduction to Climate Change" and "Introduction to Forest Biodiversity." You can find out more courses in recent years in the document

Degree Programs

Theses courses also lead to the award of an officially recognized qualifications that specifically related to climate science and environmental sustainability. For example, "Climate Change: Issues and Solutions" and "Workshop on Climate Change and Human Settlements" are required courses for our renowned "International Degree Program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development." NTU offers other degree programs in climate science and environmental sustainability as follows,


Specialization Programs

NTU also offers certified "Specialization Programs" 1 focused on climate science and sustainability. To name a few, 

  • Climate Service Industry
  • Climate Governance and Sustainable Development
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Understanding Climate
  • Disaster Resilience
  • Green Building
  • Ecological Inspection and Ecological Engineering
  • Sustainable Environment Governance
  • Climate Change in Forest Environment: Forest Materials and Energy Cycles
  • Strategy and Management of Net Zero Carbon Emission Agriculture
  • Forest Carbon Sink
  • Climate Change and Agricultural Production
  • Sustainable Development of Food and Energy
  • Sustainable Energy Engineering
  • Sustainability Planning and Management
  • Environmental Sustainability Engineering

Note 1: NTU's Specialization Programs are course modules in specific subject areas​. They are designed to provide clearer guidance for students to explore specific professional fields or engage in interdisciplinary studies. If students complete the specialization before graduation, they will receive an official certificate.

